A Mate's Healing Touch Page 4
She raised her eyes to Will and quirked an eyebrow at him and he mouthed, “Grampa?” at her. She pointed back at him, assuming it meant him, but he shook his head in denial. Another mystery for them to unravel in a night of unsurpassed strangeness because there was no other man in Jessie’s life she could imagine her calling Grampa.
The weight on her legs grew uncomfortable and she tried to shift her legs a little. The wolf moved his head, swiping his big pink tongue up the side of the little girl’s face, making her giggle and squirm away from him. Raised up on his big broad paws, his shoulder stood above the child’s head once he gained his full height.
Hannah pulled her legs back and rubbed them before crossing them in front of her and patting the space she created in her lap. Jessie sat between her legs and she gathered her close. Her sweet, familiar scent was overlaid with something wilder, musk and sandalwood, as though the wolf had added his own essence. She kissed the top of her baby’s head and tucked her close as she sighed and curled her little arms around her neck. The wolf settled his huge body against Hannah’s side, his head draped across her knee, muzzle resting on Jessie’s lap. The little girl loosened her arms from around her mother’s neck and stroked the big wolf’s head. He rumbled his approval and nuzzled closer.
A sharp buzzing followed by strains of “Born to be Wild” disturbed the moment and Hannah tried to trace the source of the sound. The noise came from Caleb’s discarded jeans, and she stretched her arm out to grab them, wrestling the phone from the confines of the front pocket. The wolf managed to look abashed. The screen flashed Connor and she swiped her finger across the name to answer the call.
“Hi, umm Caleb’s phone,” she said into the speaker.
“This is Connor, who are you? I need to speak to my brother.” The gruff voice was almost identical to Caleb’s and sounded pissed off.
“He, umm, he can’t come to the phone at the moment.” She cast around for an explanation that wouldn’t make her sound completely deranged. The voice on the other end of the phone snarled.
“I’ll ask you again, who the fuck is this? Why are you answering my brother’s phone?” The menace in his voice made her shiver, and the wolf turned toward the phone, growling fiercely. She made an ineffectual hushing motion at the wolf, but the growl in his throat intensified.
“Jesus Fucking Christ! Okay man, calm down, what do you expect me to do when a stranger answers your phone?” Connor was speaking to the wolf, although how they could hear each other when the phone wasn’t on speaker mode was a mystery to her.
“My name is Hannah. I work at Will’s Diner in Hennessey. Your brother came over to quote for some work here and well…things got a little out of hand and now he’s a wolf.” She rushed through the last few words and winced.
“Shit! Is everyone okay? I’m in the office, so I can get the address from the enquiry docket. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Is anyone hurt?” Connor sounded frantic and she shook her head before realizing he couldn’t see her.
“We’re fine. Just fine, I promise. I, ummm, I’m sorry about your brother. It’s all my fault….” She didn’t want to explain how Caleb had become the wolf although his brother only continued to rustle through some paperwork and mutter to himself.
“Okay, I’ve got it. What time is it now?” He paused. “Okay, it’s a little after seven. It’ll take me maybe half an hour to get there. Can you keep him out of sight until then?”
“Yes. We’re in back. No one has seen him other than myself, Will, and my daughter. The diner is closed now, so there’s no risk of anyone else seeing him.”
“Sit tight.” The gruff instruction was followed by a click and the phone went dead against her ear.
She placed it on the floor beside her and rose to her feet, lifting Jessie onto her hip. The wolf rose with her and pressed against her side. It was getting late, and her daughter needed to be in bed. She crossed the pantry toward Will who held his arms out and gathered the little girl to him.
“Give her to me, Bridie must be about done with the wipe down. I’ll tell her about this.” A little wild-eyed, he gestured toward Hannah and the wolf plastered against her hip. “Whatever the hell, this is,” he muttered. The wolf growled low and fierce, taking a threatening step as he started to move away. The older man froze and turned around, his posture stiff.
“Listen here, Caleb. If you think for one second I am any kind of a threat to this precious little girl, to either of my girls, then you and I are going to have a serious problem when you’re human again!” He paused for a second. “You can change back, right?”
The wolf sneezed at Will and raised his bright golden eyes to Hannah. There was something there, something beyond the animal she could see, and he seemed to have no trouble understanding them. She placed her hand on his head and he turned it in her palm until she scratched him behind the ear.
“It’s getting late and Jessie needs to be in bed now. I know you want to protect her, and I appreciate it, but she’s perfectly safe, so you can just stop with the attitude, okay?” The wolf’s tongue lolled out, and he panted as she scrubbed hard into the deep fur behind his ear.
“Go on, Will,” she murmured and he turned and left the room. Her attention fixed firmly on the wolf, she knelt in front of him. She raised her other hand so both scratched and rubbed into the thick fur of his neck.
“You can change back, right?” she asked tentatively and the wolf regarded her, his bright, beautiful eyes focused on her until wood creaked above them. He lifted his head, turning it to follow the noise overhead, and she continued to stroke him as she spoke to him.
“That’s Will and Bridie taking Jessie upstairs to the apartment. The stairs are built over the pantry. That’s why this is such an odd-shaped space.”
He switched his attention to her and pressed closer, his head resting on her shoulder as her arms curled around his big, sturdy body. He was so warm and soft, and the heat from his body eased some of her tension as he rested his big form against her. For the first time in years, she felt truly safe, protected. For the first time in six long years, the final tendrils of fear and terror uncurled in her belly and she relaxed. Nothing would be able to hurt her or her child as long as the wolf was around.
It was closer to seven forty-five when a knock came at the front door of the diner. The blinds on the windows were closed, blocking all view of the street, and Hannah sat in the corner booth with a cup of herbal tea in her hands. The wolf, curled up in front of her, raised his head at the sound of the knock. He scented the air and settled on his paws. Will crossed toward it, slid the top and bottom bolt, and eased it open a couple of inches. When he pulled the door open, a man who strongly resembled Caleb slipped through and pushed it closed behind him. He left Will to secure the door as he strode across the diner toward Hannah and the wolf.
The wolf raised his head. Connor had always been slightly dominant to Caleb, but this time the wolf had something worth taking a stand over and he refused to be cowed by his brother. Icy-gray eyes met his and he opened his jaws in his equivalent of a grin, letting his tongue loll out as though totally at ease. He knew Connor, knew the wolf inside him better and was proud to call him brother, but this was about his mate and his cub.
Caleb? His brother used the telepathic bond they had shared since childhood. The three siblings could link their thoughts together at will, something that had driven their parents to despair on more than one occasion.
Greetings, my brother. The wolf sensed his human half pressing hard in the back of his mind, wanting to come to the forefront and alter their form, but he refused. Two legs was a weaker form, no claws and teeth to rend their enemies’ flesh. It was slower, too, couldn’t chase down food for their mate. The wolf refused to yield.
Do you want to explain what is happening here? This dominance display is seriously pissing me off. I need to talk to Caleb. Now!
The mental command rang in his ears, but for once he didn’t feel compelled
to obey it. The strength his mate had given him earlier still coursed through his veins, and he was stronger than ever before. He didn’t want to hurt Connor, but he would not bow to him or bare his throat. His mate and his cub were here, and they would be protected at all costs. Even from his family if it came to it.
Caleb cannot do what must be done. I am here; my mate has strengthened me with her power. She is mine to protect, brother. Do not cross me on this. The wolf reinforced his words.
Chapter Six
Connor crouched down and eyeballed the wolf without speaking or acknowledging Hannah or Will. Minutes passed. She waited for the man to speak, but he kept on staring and frowning at the wolf, almost as though trying to intimidate the beast. Will kept himself busy behind the counter, brewing a fresh pot of coffee and throwing together a couple of sandwiches. He glanced down at the man vs. wolf competition and shook his head before returning to his self-appointed tasks.
At length, Connor stood up, he slid onto the bench opposite, and fixed his glare on her She swallowed hard and forced herself to meet his stare.
“Hello, Connor.” She kept her voice low, not liking the tremble in her tone. A huge man, broader and taller than his brother, he loomed over her even seated across the table. The wolf rose on his paws; a loud snarl ripped from his throat and he lunged toward the man, teeth snapping shut scant inches from where his brawny arm rested on the table.
Connor grinned, the change in his expression shocking as he sat back in the booth and folded his arms across his chest. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge the continuous rumble of warning.
“Hello, Hannah. It seems we have a bit of a problem here. The wolf has decided you and your child are his to protect now. He is refusing to let Caleb come to the forefront, and whatever happened to force his change has made the wolf more dominant. My brother would normally submit to me, in both human and wolf form, but he’s refusing to back down, says you gave him more strength. Do you want to tell me what happened?”
The man across from her was handsome, his hair dark like Caleb’s although cropped short to his scalp and his eyes the same icy gray. Brothers they might be, but she didn’t feel comfortable sharing her secret with another relative stranger.
The wolf placed his front paws on the seat next to her and pushed his face into her neck. The skin to fur contact gave her strength, and she stroked her arm down the wolf’s broad back, keeping her face turned into his shoulder. “I have something inside me. It’s hard to explain. I can use it to heal a bit. It’s normally pretty quiet and stable but something happened to stir it up….” The heat flamed in her cheeks as she remembered exactly what had stirred it up. Her body tightened and the wolf rumbled in approval, his nose pressing deeper into her neck. Connor watched her and the wolf with a look of quiet amusement and her blush deepened.
“So anyway, the pain got out of control so Caleb told me to push it into him. That’s how my ability works, I push it through me and into the person I’m trying to help. It doesn’t manifest or anything, not light or magic.” Babble, babble, babble. She paused to take a breath before continuing.
“I pushed it into him and he turned into a wolf and then you called and umm, that’s it.”
“That’s it?” He quirked a brow, his tone so dry it made her wince. She nodded lamely and that infernal blush heated her face. If she spent much more time around these Burrows men, she would be permanently flushed.
“So do you know how to get Caleb back?” She asked him, but he didn’t speak. She dug her hands into the wolf’s fur, seeking comfort in his presence. He was an amazing creature, so wild and beautiful but she knew they needed to get him to return to his human body. She stroked his head and wrapped her small hand around his big jaw, pulling his attention to her.
“I need to speak to Caleb,” she told the wolf, who curled his lip to bare a fang at her in response. “Please?” she tried again, but he shook his head, freeing himself from her grip and settling his head in her lap. Connor sighed and pushed his huge body out of the booth and walked over to the counter where Will poured him a cup of coffee without being asked. He nodded in thanks and pulled out his phone, walking to the far corner of the diner where he muttered into the handset.
She couldn’t catch what he said, but the wolf pricked his ears and raised his head to stare intently across the room. Connor finished one call and made another, briefer one. His body language changed during the second call, his shoulders hunching, head lowering, and tone more diffident, although the words were still unintelligible to her ears.
The second call ended and he walked toward them, his expression grim. He crouched down to regard the wolf and again something passed silently between them. The wolf snarled and snapped a bit but eventually dropped his eyes from Connor who stood up and stepped to the side. The wolf slid away from her, then paused and turned to look expectantly at her. Connor sighed.
“No way, man. I told Dad what happened, but I kept the details from Drew when I spoke to him. Do you really want to take her anywhere near the Alpha, knowing what she can do? If he finds out she made you more dominant, how the fuck do you think he will react? He won’t give her a bouquet of flowers and a welcoming hug, that’s for goddamn sure!” The anger in his voice interlaced with fear and worry, but the wolf refused to budge. He took Hannah’s hand gently between his jaws and tugged her toward the doorway that led to her apartment. He pushed her toward the door and then cast an expectant look at Connor who snarled at him.
“If you want to communicate with your mate, then you know what you need to do. Change form and save us all a shitload of grief, brother.” The wolf remained impassive until Connor swore again and scrubbed his hands over his close-cropped scalp.
“Jesus, you are one stubborn bastard,” Connor muttered before he turned his attention to her.
“I need to take Caleb to see someone, our, umm, boss I guess you would call him. He might be the only one who can get the wolf to change forms, but Caleb won’t leave without you.” The wolf growled and he cursed again. “Without you and your cub. Child. Whatever!”
He threw his hands up and whirled away to pace around the diner. The space seemed to shrink, his broad form taking up too much space. The whole family must be crazy.
“If you think I am dragging my baby girl out of bed at this time of night to go God knows where, then you are out of your ever-loving mind, Connor!” She rounded on the wolf. “You, too, you stupid great furball!”
The door behind her swung open and Bridie marched into the room with a pajama-clad Jessie clinging to her hand. The little girl broke free and dashed to the wolf, her little arms curling around his neck as she cuddled into him.
“You’re still here, I knew you would be,” she said and gave Bridie a cheeky grin over her shoulder. “I told you he wouldn’t leave us. He’s ours now.” She cuddled into the wolf but not before Hannah caught sight of her daughter poking her tongue out to emphasize her point.
“Jessica Maria Fuentes!” Her voice cracked, out and everyone in the room turned to face her, except the one who she’d addressed, who kept her face pressed into the wolf’s thick shoulder.
“You look at me right this minute, young lady!” She grabbed Jessie by the arm and spun her around. The wolf stepped clear, giving no place to hide from her mother’s anger. Her curly head drooped and she cut such a forlorn little figure in her pink pajamas with bunnies rioting across them she almost fell for it. Almost.
“Don’t you try that with me, Jessica. You can’t be rude to someone and then pretend to be sorry about it in order to avoid the consequences.” She only ever used Jessie’s full name when she was in trouble and sad brown eyes peeked up at her through her dark curls, her expression contrite.
“I’m sorry, Momma,” she whispered but Hannah shook her head and frowned, her hands planted firmly on her hips. The little girl sighed as though the world was crashing down around her and turned her liquid brown eyes toward Bridie.
��m sorry, Nana Bridie. I didn’t mean to be rude….” Hannah cleared her throat and another long-suffering sigh followed. “I was rude and I am sorry. But you said….”
“No buts, Jessica.” Her voice softer now. Jessie pouted for a moment before she nodded. She knew the rule; an apology had to be given with no attempt at explanation. Once accepted, it was permissible to talk about the reasons why, but not before.
Bridie bent down and held her arms open and Jessie leapt for her, eyes brimming with unshed tears. The older woman gathered her close and rocked the little girl, kissing the top of her head, murmuring to her.
Hannah rubbed her face and let the quick snap of temper go. It had been a really strange couple of hours, and she was pretty close to a tantrum herself. The wolf stepped closer and brushed his nose against her arm. She threaded her hand into his fur, the motion already second nature to her, and wasn’t that as fucked up as all hell?
Will stepped out from behind the counter and approached his wife. He bent to pick up the little girl and stood, wrapping his other arm around his wife’s waist when she rose beside him. He turned to Connor and spoke quietly, but with real purpose.
“You are not going anywhere with our girls, not without us.” Bridie looked briefly startled before she curled her arm around his waist and nodded. They presented a united front, as always, humbling Hannah once again they would put themselves on the line for her.
Connor blew out a frustrated breath. “See what you’ve done? This is cluster fu….” He glanced at Jessie as he caught himself in time. “This is a mess, Caleb. A huge, steaming pile of mess. We can’t take unrelated humans into pack territory; they already know way too much. Do you want the Enforcer to pay a visit? Do you?” He didn’t sound angry now, he sounded worried, and she didn’t like the sound of the Enforcer, not one bit. She doubted anyone referred to in such a way would be popping over for coffee and a slice of pie. Even though it was damn fine pie.